Thursday, July 29, 2010

Young's House - shirt on a guy

You're right it is!!

So today is my 24th birthday. It was surprising to see so many people remembered and went out of their way to wish me a happy birthday or give me a present! I've had two cakes given to me, one student bought me a bunch of my favourite candies, one of the teachers bought me some of her favourite drinks (heh heh) and another teacher bought me a Pikachu thing that's really cute. Everyone at school got me a card and signed it too! It was really sweet how nice everyone was to me today! It was a pretty good day! My students are throwing me a party on Saturday and then some people from work and I are going to do something on Sunday. Should be good!
Now that I'm 24 all I can hear is the ticking sounds from the tv show 24 haha
I'll put up some pictures when I get my Internet on Sunday or Monday :)

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