Thursday, July 22, 2010

Touch Me I'm Sick - hat on a guy

I tried to, but he was too fast!!

So it seems I have been negligent with updating my blog, my apologies.

Sometime in the near future - August 1st, I will have Internet and tv in my apartment! Finally!
So... What the hell have I been up to? Not a whole lot really. I finally spent part of my weekend by myself and just hung out, read books and watched some tv my coworker gave me. I'm on to season 4 of 30 Rock and I'm very happy. I've been practicing my Japanese a fair bit and remembering things. I've been having fun putting new music on to my phone thanks to an early birthday present from my wonderful Ma and Pa :) the music was getting a bit repetitive.
I have follow up training on Monday so I have a six day work week as a birthday present from work haha thank you!

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