Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tokyo Says Dont Drunk Drive

Haha ok です。
I finally figured out how to blog with my iPhone. I will never need a computer again!! Things are well on my side of the world. I'm so happy I figured how to blog via le telephone!
So... What's new here... Teaching is still a challenge but getting better every week which is reassuring.
I'm practicing my Japanese a lot which is both fun and embarassing of course but in the end who really cares? I'm stared at whether I try to speak the language or not :)
the rainy season is here... They say rainy I say horribly humid... Not really rainy. I wish I was willing to show how bad my hair looks haha. Humidity...
My birthday is in less than a month.. Sad bit true that I will be spending it alone and working. I can't be too sad because I am where I chose to be lol
the other foreign teacher has since left and been replaced. This means I am in charge haha. The new teacher is great so far. He's British and we call ourselves team Britain. He worked for Nova before... The one I applied to but they had gone bankrupt...
I keep in touch with the teacher who left and his girlfriend which is making a good support group here.. It's still funny to comprehend that I am in Japan. It feels so natural even though I can barely speak the language.
One of my students took me to a bar called 'K's Bar' in my area... They have tons of Islay Malt scotch so I had one called Aber.... Something... hahaha it was peaty so the name wasn't too important... Aberdeg? The bar hangas a St. Andrew's Cross and is called K's... It's a good omen ね。

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