Sunday, July 11, 2010

Exciting Slot (Pachinko parlour name)

I really should be taking pictures of all the great Engrish I find...
So another week has gone by... They seem to fly by here... Especially the weekends. I'm always so tired I never do anything before or after work. I think I'm going to look into buying a proper bed as the futon I have now is so thin and I think this may be the reason I'm always tired.
I've been reading books like crazy. I've read eight or nine books in the past two months! It's amazing how much one reads when there is no tv or Internet around haha. I will be getting Internet next Monday so the drought ends then! I'm excited to finally be able to post pictures here!
So, some things worth sharing:
A while back I was told that McDonald's has wifi so while there with two coworkers we noticed that the sign was explaining the wifi was only for Nintendo Game Boy Advances so people can battle each other or whatver. Yep, it's that high in demand lol.
Another funny thing - my one friend Takumi once said to me while I was struggling to read a menu "oh yea! You can't read!" this is how illiteracy feels haha.
There's a sign in the courtyard of the mall where my school is located that says "no open flames or combustibles". Did they have a problem with bonfires?
The bouncers at the club I went to last night were all American and didn't speak Japanese... Funny

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