Saturday, July 3, 2010

Class Winners 1986 Regional Drags

It has come to my attention that maybe drinking and blogging don't mix. I think I need to get a breathalyzer ap for my phone... I'm sure there's one out there.
British teacher and I are going to Chiba today. I'm not sure what's in Chiba but I don't really have much else to do. I've been reading a bunch of books a student gave me. They're a really easy read so I've finished four in two weeks. I need to get out more haha.
I have to say, I feel really sorry for the people who work the graveyard shift at the Family Mart near my house. I always wander in at strange hours on the weekend, buy a tall boy, mumble things in English, try half assed to speak Japanese and then laugh at myself on the way out lol.
Last weekend some teachers and I went to a very cool club in Shibuya called Womb. The music was wild, the place was huge and packed and there were a lot of foreigners there. I now know where to go when I want to meet foreigners lol. The club was featured in Babel... Worth checking out if you're in the area :)
I'm trying to figure out how to post pictures through my phone, once I do I'm set!

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