Thursday, July 29, 2010

Young's House - shirt on a guy

You're right it is!!

So today is my 24th birthday. It was surprising to see so many people remembered and went out of their way to wish me a happy birthday or give me a present! I've had two cakes given to me, one student bought me a bunch of my favourite candies, one of the teachers bought me some of her favourite drinks (heh heh) and another teacher bought me a Pikachu thing that's really cute. Everyone at school got me a card and signed it too! It was really sweet how nice everyone was to me today! It was a pretty good day! My students are throwing me a party on Saturday and then some people from work and I are going to do something on Sunday. Should be good!
Now that I'm 24 all I can hear is the ticking sounds from the tv show 24 haha
I'll put up some pictures when I get my Internet on Sunday or Monday :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Touch Me I'm Sick - hat on a guy

I tried to, but he was too fast!!

So it seems I have been negligent with updating my blog, my apologies.

Sometime in the near future - August 1st, I will have Internet and tv in my apartment! Finally!
So... What the hell have I been up to? Not a whole lot really. I finally spent part of my weekend by myself and just hung out, read books and watched some tv my coworker gave me. I'm on to season 4 of 30 Rock and I'm very happy. I've been practicing my Japanese a fair bit and remembering things. I've been having fun putting new music on to my phone thanks to an early birthday present from my wonderful Ma and Pa :) the music was getting a bit repetitive.
I have follow up training on Monday so I have a six day work week as a birthday present from work haha thank you!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Exciting Slot (Pachinko parlour name)

I really should be taking pictures of all the great Engrish I find...
So another week has gone by... They seem to fly by here... Especially the weekends. I'm always so tired I never do anything before or after work. I think I'm going to look into buying a proper bed as the futon I have now is so thin and I think this may be the reason I'm always tired.
I've been reading books like crazy. I've read eight or nine books in the past two months! It's amazing how much one reads when there is no tv or Internet around haha. I will be getting Internet next Monday so the drought ends then! I'm excited to finally be able to post pictures here!
So, some things worth sharing:
A while back I was told that McDonald's has wifi so while there with two coworkers we noticed that the sign was explaining the wifi was only for Nintendo Game Boy Advances so people can battle each other or whatver. Yep, it's that high in demand lol.
Another funny thing - my one friend Takumi once said to me while I was struggling to read a menu "oh yea! You can't read!" this is how illiteracy feels haha.
There's a sign in the courtyard of the mall where my school is located that says "no open flames or combustibles". Did they have a problem with bonfires?
The bouncers at the club I went to last night were all American and didn't speak Japanese... Funny

Friday, July 9, 2010

Food Happiness (name of a grocery store)

When the shit starts flying... Get a shovel!
This week has been a tough one... Luckily it's Saturday and the week is over! Longer blog entry to come later off to shape the minds of the future into English speakers.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Unconcerned but not Indifferent

So it's Monday... I have woken up three times now on the same train at the wrong stop. I have been trying to get home for about six hours now... Had to share haha the struggles of getting home are epic evidently luckily this country is safe and no one mugged me while I slept!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Class Winners 1986 Regional Drags

It has come to my attention that maybe drinking and blogging don't mix. I think I need to get a breathalyzer ap for my phone... I'm sure there's one out there.
British teacher and I are going to Chiba today. I'm not sure what's in Chiba but I don't really have much else to do. I've been reading a bunch of books a student gave me. They're a really easy read so I've finished four in two weeks. I need to get out more haha.
I have to say, I feel really sorry for the people who work the graveyard shift at the Family Mart near my house. I always wander in at strange hours on the weekend, buy a tall boy, mumble things in English, try half assed to speak Japanese and then laugh at myself on the way out lol.
Last weekend some teachers and I went to a very cool club in Shibuya called Womb. The music was wild, the place was huge and packed and there were a lot of foreigners there. I now know where to go when I want to meet foreigners lol. The club was featured in Babel... Worth checking out if you're in the area :)
I'm trying to figure out how to post pictures through my phone, once I do I'm set!

Tokyo Says Dont Drunk Drive

Haha ok です。
I finally figured out how to blog with my iPhone. I will never need a computer again!! Things are well on my side of the world. I'm so happy I figured how to blog via le telephone!
So... What's new here... Teaching is still a challenge but getting better every week which is reassuring.
I'm practicing my Japanese a lot which is both fun and embarassing of course but in the end who really cares? I'm stared at whether I try to speak the language or not :)
the rainy season is here... They say rainy I say horribly humid... Not really rainy. I wish I was willing to show how bad my hair looks haha. Humidity...
My birthday is in less than a month.. Sad bit true that I will be spending it alone and working. I can't be too sad because I am where I chose to be lol
the other foreign teacher has since left and been replaced. This means I am in charge haha. The new teacher is great so far. He's British and we call ourselves team Britain. He worked for Nova before... The one I applied to but they had gone bankrupt...
I keep in touch with the teacher who left and his girlfriend which is making a good support group here.. It's still funny to comprehend that I am in Japan. It feels so natural even though I can barely speak the language.
One of my students took me to a bar called 'K's Bar' in my area... They have tons of Islay Malt scotch so I had one called Aber.... Something... hahaha it was peaty so the name wasn't too important... Aberdeg? The bar hangas a St. Andrew's Cross and is called K's... It's a good omen ね。