Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hair/Make Fairytale

So, I thought it might make my blog titles a bit more interesting if I used the various Engrish I saw on my merry little travels. Another little gem I saw was "Ab's Make" = gym? Good times.

So I survived my first week solo. No one got bitten on my watch so I think that constitutes the week being a success!! The really little kids are a bunch of laughs to teach. I get to dance, play jenga and sing songs with them. One class, they were all wearing sticker name tags so I could use their names, the kids took them off and put them over their mouths - lead to a very nice and quiet class! Haha. I think I've gotten the hang of class planning which is nice I was worried for a while that I would be spending hours and hours preparing for lessons. The students are all really nice which helps.

Funny things I've noticed:

1) Even little old ladies here have iPods.
2) Business men, riding bikes in their nice suits, in the rain while (almost definitely drunk) and smoking.
3) The young guys here... wear lower cut shirts than I do, and have nicer hair. Think 80's glam rock look. Maybe I should step up and bring my A game... I thought I had but I stand corrected!
4) The novelty of being a foreigner. I get open mouth stares. When I see another foreigner... I OPEN MOUTH STARE.
5) There is a milk bar in one of the train stations - Does it serve LSD I wonder... like the milk bar in A Clockwork Orange.

I should be getting a phone sometime this week finally!!

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