Sunday, May 16, 2010

I`m Here!

Well I`m finally here in Tokyo after what seemed like ages of waiting. I`ve already been here for a few days... almost a week actually. I`ve been bad with trying to get access to internet but on my lazy Sunday I managed to take some time to wander down and update my blog and write to some friends.
Training has been going well so far aside from a minor blip requiring a brief trip to the hospital. I`m fine, just had a stomach virus which cause some severe stomach pain. Thankfully the Japanese health care system is very good and so I was in and out with some medication very quickly and the doctor even spoke English! Wow! Training is very thorough with a lot to take in but that`s good I hope to be well prepared for when the real stuff starts.
I have been taking a lot of pictures of my travels all over Tokyo with both my point and shoot and the DSLR and I`m very excited to share them with my one follower as soon as I can get them up! I have also managed to snag some rather amusing Engrish pics to go with the artistic ones。
I still have one more week of training to go through and then on Saturday I will be going to my new school and moving to my new apartment which is very exciting. I can`t say I`m enjoying living out of suitcases.

1 comment:

  1. We await the next post with baited breath, hopefully it will have some piccies.
