Thursday, May 27, 2010

First Week at my School!

So I'm mid way through my first week at my school. I apologise for the negligence to this blog. It has been really difficult finding internet... until one of the other teachers pointed out this internet cafe between the school and my train station! The first week has been a lot to take in! You never realise how much work a teacher does... wtih lesson prep, energy and really understanding their lessons. I had my second lesson in front of students and I think it went alright. I did make some mistakes but they seemed to have a good time and learn something which I think is all I can ask for at this point. My nerves are slowly going away which is reassuring! I teach a children's class tomorrow and I think it will go alright. Everyone at the school has been really nice to me and I think I will fit right in in due time. As for now I'm spending a lot of time getting to know everyone's names, learning lessons and all the other tricks of the trade. We're having a welcome party with Karaoke for me on Saturday which should be a blast!
My new apartment is alright. I haven't had too much time to explore my surroundings just yet but it's really close to the station and there is a mobile Indian kebab vendor that is on the way home. Funny enough Japanese is both our second language and we manage to communicate just fine in broken JSL!
I'm hoping to get internet at my apartment soon so I can stop using cafe computers and start putting up pictures and updating whenever I please! Till the next post... take care and all my love!

1 comment:

  1. loool Kaitorin - that's such a good name. Glad to hear that you're finding your feet. Let me know if you want me to ask around friends to see if knows anyone in that part of the world.

    I used to read this blog / podcast that was done by an american guy that moved to Japan to teach english - it was really interesting, all about stuff like landlords and getting used to the cultural differences - I'll have a dig around and see if I can still find it - Cousin Charles
