Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hair Flap - Hair Salon in Futakotamagawa

January has been quite the bad month for me. I have a theory that January is always a terrible month.

It all started a couple weeks ago when I agreed to go in to work on my day off and teach classes for one of the other teachers... I woke up congested, thinking nothing of it I got on with my day and did some grocery shopping before heading to the school. By the time I got there I felt disconnected from my body and seriously ill... but I was already there so I taught the classes. That Sunday I had to travel across the city to meet the new BF's family -- which went well enough. On my train ride home I felt like I couldn't breathe and ended up hyperventilating on the train and almost fainted. I've never done that before so that really freaked me out and I thought I was dying. What was more scary was the thought that my Japanese is still awful so I wouldn't have been able to tell anyone who to call or what was wrong with me.

The next day we had our first snowfall -- a massive dump of snow... at least one foot. As a result of that the concrete stairs that lead up to my second floor apartment were quite snowy and then icy and then black icy five days later. On Friday that week, as I tried to go to work, I slipped on some black ice on those stairs and fell all the way down them resulting in nasty bruises on my lower back, arm and hip. I'd like to give my decrepit landlord a big "fuck you" for never in five days bothering to clear or salt those stairs and helping make that happen. Since my back was bruised it was almost impossible to sleep on my right side for the past week. Fortunately, the bruise isn't as painful now as it was.

The rest of the January b.s. I will not be blogging about.

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