Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Guilty Parties Shake a Lady - Guy's T-shirt in Osaka

I've managed to catch a cold this past week so for some reason this means I'm awake at 5 in the morning and can't fall back asleep. At least this gives me ample time to catch up on emails and update my blog.
Last weekend I had to say goodbye to my friend who is going abroad for three months. We had a nice day of driving all around Tokyo. He actually gave me a bike I have named Jiminy. And true to the idea that everything in Japan is small, Jiminy can fold in half and is very small. I have not tried riding Jiminy as I'm afraid I'll get hit by a car.
I also did a bit of exploring this weekend. My coworker and I went on a massive hunt to find this "rumored" Aeon mall in our area. We found it after walking over 7 kilometers! The mall was pretty cool but unfortunately I was with my male coworker so once we found it, we basically turned around and caught the train home.
So Golden Week has come to an end meaning Obon will be here in August. Recently I've been looking into taking a trip abroad during Obon. I'm looking at Vietnam, Thailand or Bali. My coworker is going to come with me so now all we need to do is find a deal. My first choice is Vietnam as I really want to see Ha Long Bay.
In other news, I have been offered another contract extension. The manager told me she would like to see me stay at the school for a long time. I'm torn. I'd dearly love to stay but also get to see my family more than once a year.

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