Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Waiting Game

Wow. So unless you've been hiding under a rock somewhere you have probably heard about the big earthquake that hit Japan on Friday. Dont worry, I'm safe and sound.
The earthquake hit about 200km north of where I am so there wasn't a lot of damage here. The quake itself was the strongest I've ever experienced and our building shook for a good two hours because of all the aftershocks. The quake hit at about quarter to three in the afternoon and immediately after all the trains stopped running. We spent most of the evening wandering around near our school expecting the trains to start back up again. A lot of people were stranded all over Tokyo and the line ups for taxis and payphones were huge. A student of mine said he walked for six hours to get home on Friday night.
The atmosphere here is really strange to say the least but I guess that can be expected. Everyone is kind of panicking and buying as much food, water and candles as they can get their hands on. Most stores have run out of bread and water... of course I do not have any water haha.
So today Tokyo has scheduled rolling black outs for each area... we were told 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. but the lights did not go out and again at 12:20p.m. to 4 p.m.... the lights are still working. We're wondering if it's all a hoax. It would be nice if the company I worked for would contact me and let me know what is going on. My coworker and I were saying this feels a bit like pergatory or limbo. There have been quite a few announcements over loud speakers today but I can't understand them so hopefully it wasn't anything too urgent. I've spent the whole weekend staying very close to home and just waiting to hear some news or for something to happen. I'm not quite sure what I'm waiting for but a lot of people have said there is a large chance of another big earthquake to hit within the next few days. There was a relatively large one in Ibaraki this morning which woke me up.
I've heard through some friends that a lot of foreigners have decided to just leave Japan all together and go back home. I cant say I really intend to do that, either way I've heard that the airports aren't operating so everyone who's flocked to the airports are just sitting there waiting.

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