Sunday, November 7, 2010

Good Luck to All Who Ride - T-Shirt in Shibuya

So I have another cold. I think it's because my apartment is so cold all the time.
This weekend was a very interesting one. After work on Saturday, Take met me at the train station and we went for dinner... That is the last time I let him order even if he is the one with superior Japanese abilities. Over the course of dinner we ate: Karaage, Gyoza, steak, Buri sashimi, whale bacon, pig intestines, raw horse and deep fried oysters (Done in the Hiroshima style so I had to try them because that is where Take is from). The first few dishes were all fine and dandy... the last ones I struggled with. The whole dinner was like Take trying to see what he could get me to eat because I was being stubborn after he gave me the gears about not being open minded. "I'll show you open minded... pig intestines, wow they're lovely... I wish we had more" *gag*
Yesterday before my students house I went to Tachikawa with Take for an epic shopping trip. We went WINDOW SHOPPING for about three and a half hours and he didn't complain once. I am still shocked about this.
Last night I went to my students house. It was alright. I ate more food I wasn't too happy about lol. Steamed fish paste with fish eggs on top. I hate fish eggs. The night went alright, we sat on the floor the whole time so by the end of the night my legs were hurting pretty good. After that I went home and ate pizza lol.
Today I think I will go shopping some more. I have a 5000 yen gift card I want to spend.

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