Monday, October 4, 2010

One Tongue is Enough - no idea where I saw that one...

So the weather is finally cooling down and I no longer have to sleep with my air conditioner blasting. Needless to say, I'm thrilled by this. Also, Autumn/Winter fashion is coming out which is great. My friend is coming to visit me in about two weeks which is also great!
Things are kind of just settling nicely. I had a semi-full weekend this weekend. I went to see my friend DJ in Shibuya which was awesome. Everywhere I went I was treated like a pseudo-celebrity or local god... people flocked around me and just wanted to talk to me... much to my friend's dismay who had a legitimate reason to be flocked to but no one paid attention to him but me hahaha. We were talking about that last night and he could not get over my gravitational pull I had on everyone. Good times. Sunday I spent the entire day in a great deal of pain. The stomach bug/thing I had in May has reared its ugly head again.
I need to go see a doctor.
On Monday I went on an excursion to the English book store in Takadanobaba and I bought two books. I'm excited to start reading some intellectually stimulating books instead of the dribble I have to read for work (that came off a bit harsh maybe). If anyone has any good book recommendations please let me know! :) I also saw a coworker of mine, who works at a different school, and we had dinner in Koenji.
All in all... good weekend aside from the stomach pain and the cold. Turns out the pain killers I've been taking are for headaches... hmm...

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