Sunday, February 14, 2016

Hello, old friend

I can't say I'm surprised that I haven't blogged in well over a year.
Chloe is almost two years old now and is a total terror. She is going to daycare once a week and I'm back teaching at a national junior high school twice a week. Needless to say, we are keeping busy.

The past few years have been a whirlwind of new experiences in parenthood. Shuhei is an amazing dad and really dotes on Chloe, they have a wonderful bond.

What have we been up to? Let's see...
We ended up moving apartments when Chloe was about 4 months old. Our old place was amazing but was on the expensive and small side. The new apartment is ok, its certainly older and further out than the old one but its close to parks and we found a good daycare for Chloe.
We have been travelling! In the winter of 2014 we went on a family trip to Bali and this past December we took another trip to Malaysia. Chloe will hopefully be quite the world traveller. We also took Chloe to Canada to meet her other family for her first birthday.
I joined and quit the gym after a year of working out and seeing NO results. Sigh!

... And you are all caught up! Well, hopefully it won't be almost two more years before I update again!