Monday, August 12, 2013

Huge Update

I guess I last wrote in this blog in March. Well, I wont apologise for my neglect. A lot has happened since then.
On April 7th, my boyfriend proposed to me which I happily accepted and on June 9th we got married. Hows about that for an update ahaha.
I'm not sure how much I have said about him in my past blog entries so... here are some of the nitty gritty details:
- He goes by Shuhei
- 29
- Japanese
- Speaks English
- a 'mad man' (works in advertising)

In May we moved in together and have been occupied decorating and setting up house together. I think we are pretty much settled now though which is nice. The new apartment is a huge step up from both of my previous apartments in Japan. It is so refreshing to have a kitchen with an oven and a proper stove. I have slowly started to get back into cooking -- much to the dismay of my husband I primarily cook western food. haha.

So it is now mid August (How did that happen!?)... he, his family and I went to Canada for a big family meet and greet earlier this month which was in a word - stressful. It was wonderful for everyone to meet but I'm glad it's over and that I will hopefully never have to do that again. My parents threw us a small wedding reception at their house while we were there. It was lovely, the food was amazing (cooked by my best friend and mum), and I was able to see so many people I hadn't seen in a long time. I was really happy I could introduce Shuhei to some of our old family friends and he seemed to enjoy meeting them too.

His family are really nice people and have welcomed me into their home very happily (or so it seems). A lot of people have told me about their Japanese significant other's parents being very against their child having a foreign boyfriend/girlfriend but fortunately that isn't the case with his family. His family reminds me of my family in many ways... in particular the dynamic/roles each person plays. They also love to joke and tease each other, especially the newcomer (me).

The husband and I are planning to have a wedding which is in less than two months now (yikes!) so we have been very busy planning and getting organized for that. My whole family will be coming out to attend the wedding so I'm thrilled to finally get to show them all around my new stomping grounds.

It was my birthday a couple weeks ago so in order to celebrate the husband and I are taking a short trip to Seoul later this month. We both had to work on my actual birthday and all the days surrounding it which made for minimal celebrations at the time of. This will be my first trip to Korea so I'm pretty excited to finally check it out - its so near but I've never taken advantage of its proximity to Japan so far. Shuhei and his sister take regular trips there - they are big fans of the country and especially of its cuisine.