Sunday, March 24, 2013


I have started to tumble or whatever it is called.


Happy Science

I guess it has been a while since I last updated this blog. I'm not exactly sure where the time went but the past two months seem to have flown by. I haven't really been doing anything all too exciting unfortunately. The weather in Tokyo has been so nice that the cherry blossoms have already begun to bloom (which they don't usually do for another few weeks). Jeeze, I just commented on the weather... surely there is something more interesting in my life to mention. Here goes, in the past few months I have:
 - gone for my first Taiwanese foot massage... it was pretty nice and the masseuse told me that my neck and eyes are tired -- almost definitely true. The BF loves getting massages so he convinced me to go, I'm glad he did it was really relaxing and I definitely needed that :)
- seen and sat through a massive dust/dirt storm in the middle of Tokyo. A lot of Japanese new stations were (apparently) blaming the massive storm on Chinese pollution but then it ended up just being the result of warm and cold air systems colliding lol.
- replaced the old iPhone 3GS with the newer, sleeker iPhone 5. The old 3GS erased all my contacts for the last time, it was also completely out of space so the need to upgrade was quite dire.
- hurt my ankle and wrist (not too sure how on either one of those - both not drinking related injuries)
- gotten a visa extension! Bad news Tokyo, you are stuck with me for another three years. After all the horror stories I'd heard about dealing with immigration I was pleasantly surprised that I only had to wait a total of maybe two hours over two trips to the office. I now have a residence card... I'm not sure if that means I am a resident now but it does mean that I don't have a visa in my passport but this card in its place.
- encountered a dirty old pervert who shook his flaccid penis at me. I kid you not. I was walking home from work one day and some old dude in his car drove up to me and shook his business at me and then drove off. I'm very disappointed to say that I was too shocked to throw anything at his car or write down his plates. Bad Keitorin. I guess there is always next time...