Tuesday, August 28, 2012

So a lot has happened in the past little while.

It was my birthday and I got a little bit older, not at all wiser.

I worked for maybe less than half the month of August and I came down with a wicked head cold/sinus infection. I am still trying to recover from this.

I DJ'd in Shibuya one night and it was grand. The music was awesome, I was awesome and then I went home for two hours of sleep before getting up for a good 9.5 hours of work.

My friend from elementary school and high school came by for a brief but memorable visit.

For the past little while I've been musing about making t-shirts so at the moment I'm trying to get all the logistics of that sorted so I can get them made. It's going to be grand, who wouldn't want a t-shirt of some giant lizard rampaging Tokyo?