Thursday, July 12, 2012

Je Suis Delicieux - T-shirt on some girl

So as always I guess I should start off apologising about my absenteeism. To be fair I have an excuse this time, I was off the grid for the past month and a bit. It feels good to be back! Obviously a lot has happened and I'm not even sure where I left off... I moved into my new apartment. It's great and I'm really enjoying it so far... it's a lot bigger than my last place, it has a much better location and view (no cemetery, woo) but sadly it's very empty as I have barely any furniture! Oh well. The transition between jobs went off without a hitch. I feel like I'm settling in well at the new company and my new coworkers are pretty cool so that's nice. In terms of my personal life... nothing interesting whatsoever is happening. I've been listening to good music as always and started sketching a lot more in my free time. For some reason it seems like I have a lot more free time with my new job which is nice. I'm looking to make a couple t-shirts but maybe I've mentioned that before. They feature random drawings I've done including one of Godzilla rampaging Tokyo and one of outer space (naturally). Yet another birthday is coming up. I feel like I should just cancel it and stay 25. I don't have any plans and it doesn't seem like much of anything will happen. Oooooooooh well. On a bizarre note - I keep seeing people throw up lately. It's entertaining and I'm grateful it's not me who is throwing up but I can't help but wonder why all of a sudden everyone wants to puke in front of me. I guess I'm a good audience? June and July are puke season?