Tuesday, August 28, 2012

So a lot has happened in the past little while.

It was my birthday and I got a little bit older, not at all wiser.

I worked for maybe less than half the month of August and I came down with a wicked head cold/sinus infection. I am still trying to recover from this.

I DJ'd in Shibuya one night and it was grand. The music was awesome, I was awesome and then I went home for two hours of sleep before getting up for a good 9.5 hours of work.

My friend from elementary school and high school came by for a brief but memorable visit.

For the past little while I've been musing about making t-shirts so at the moment I'm trying to get all the logistics of that sorted so I can get them made. It's going to be grand, who wouldn't want a t-shirt of some giant lizard rampaging Tokyo?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Je Suis Delicieux - T-shirt on some girl

So as always I guess I should start off apologising about my absenteeism. To be fair I have an excuse this time, I was off the grid for the past month and a bit. It feels good to be back! Obviously a lot has happened and I'm not even sure where I left off... I moved into my new apartment. It's great and I'm really enjoying it so far... it's a lot bigger than my last place, it has a much better location and view (no cemetery, woo) but sadly it's very empty as I have barely any furniture! Oh well. The transition between jobs went off without a hitch. I feel like I'm settling in well at the new company and my new coworkers are pretty cool so that's nice. In terms of my personal life... nothing interesting whatsoever is happening. I've been listening to good music as always and started sketching a lot more in my free time. For some reason it seems like I have a lot more free time with my new job which is nice. I'm looking to make a couple t-shirts but maybe I've mentioned that before. They feature random drawings I've done including one of Godzilla rampaging Tokyo and one of outer space (naturally). Yet another birthday is coming up. I feel like I should just cancel it and stay 25. I don't have any plans and it doesn't seem like much of anything will happen. Oooooooooh well. On a bizarre note - I keep seeing people throw up lately. It's entertaining and I'm grateful it's not me who is throwing up but I can't help but wonder why all of a sudden everyone wants to puke in front of me. I guess I'm a good audience? June and July are puke season?

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Holy Shit. Not dead, just lazy.

Wow it has been a seriously irresponsibly long time since I last blogged. No, I'm not dead... just lazy. Suffice to say a lot has happened since I last updated so bear with me while I try to include every thing in this update. I guess the last time I blogged I had just declined another contract with my company. Now there are only two weeks left on my current contract so I'm saying my goodbyes to all the students I have known and loved for the past two years and getting ready to start my new job. I spent a good month applying for as many jobs as possible and I went to three interviews and luckily for me I found a job that I think will be a good fit for me. So far the company sounds really reasonable and respectful which is more than I can say for the one I work for now. The job will be similar to the one I have now but it will be focused on teaching children and it is in Yokohama. So last Monday I went to observe an experienced teacher at one of the schools and I will go again tomorrow. Even now that I'm leaving the school I've worked at for two years I'm having a hard time believing I've been living in Japan for two years already. I say it all the time but it needs repeating, it's like a dream. So since I'm leaving the company I came here with, I have to move apartments. It has been a trip looking for a new place to live. I never knew that racism was still socially acceptable. I guess it Japan it is ok to refuse someone's rental application based on the fact that they are not Japanese. I make decent money and I've never paid my rent late in the seven years I've lived on my own but that isn't counted for anything. In the past few weeks I have applied for four apartments, two of which I have been rejected based solely on the fact that I'm not Japanese. I'm really lucky I have a Japanese friend who has vouched for me with one of the applications, that one was successful so I am going to sign the contracts today. I'm trying not to get excited until I have the keys and am living in the apartment though. Throughout this whole apartment hunt I've been packing... it's amazing how much crap one accumulates over the course of two years. When I first came to Japan I had three suitcases, now I have seven boxes and three suitcases. Yikes. My Mum says I'm a pack rat... I'd like to disagree but I guess the evidence speaks for itself. I guess back in December the last of my good friends from training had just left Japan but he has had a change of heart and has decided to come back. I'm really looking forward to our reunion, it's a rare thing when you meet friends you really connect with and can be yourself with. So since I last blogged I've DJ'd two more times, both were relative successes I suppose. I'm not sure when the next time I'll DJ is. Not sure what else to write... So I guess that's it for now. Good to be back.