Monday, December 26, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Well I know it's been a really long time since I updated this. I'm lazy and a lot has been going on!

I did indeed go and take pictures of my bandmate's other band. It was pretty fun. I got to sit around and listen to them practice and take some pics. Unfortunately the lighting was less than ideal.

The DJ event was a big success! Although I had no idea what I was doing up there... the small crowd seemed to like what I played so that was nice (I was the first person on so most of the crowd hadn't arrived yet). As the night went on a lot of people came and danced so that was great. I was the official photographer so there are some photos of the event. They have not been posted anywhere YET but they will be at some point. I got to meet a lot of cool people that night so I'm pleased. We're going to do it again as the venue was really pleased with the turn out but this time we get to do it on a weekend. Yay.

I am in my hometown of Vancouver now visiting my family. It's 4:30 in the morning and my jet lag got me up really early. I'm kind of at a loss for what I should do now until everyone wakes up at like 7 or 8. I dont even know how to turn on the TV!!? I've already fed the cat way too much smoked salmon and made myself breakfast.

Oh. I also declined another contract with my company so in June I'm officially jobless. It's kind of nice to have a bunch of possibilities of what to do next. :)

I think that should bring everything up to speed!

Merry Christmas everyone!