Thursday, July 28, 2011

Lupus - A Restaurant's Name

Wow! I haven't updated for a long time - my apologies! I have no real excuse as to why I haven't updated. Actually, I kind of forgot about my blog. Oops!

Did I mention how the gig went? The first gig went pretty well. While my bandmate and I did make some mistakes on stage, the crowd loved us (granted they were all my students and friends). We couldn't have asked for a better crowd for our first gig. I was so nervous to perform, during one song I completely blanked on the lyrics for a while haha! Our second gig (We had a second gig on July 16th) went well - no mistakes but due to the last minute invitation to play and the time of our performance there were only about five people in the audience. Oh well! We had a lot of fun playing. We dont have any plans to perform again in the near future. I think there is talk of another performance at the first venue in October or something. The second venue asked us to perform every month but we declined - we're too busy for that kind of commitment.

So since Vietnam was cancelled due to an overall lack of interest by Japanese people (the tour needed 10 people to be held and only my friend Ayano and I signed up) we have decided to go to Hong Kong! We decided to opt out of going on a tour and to just sightsee by ourselves. We're going for five days leaving in about a week and a half. My travel companion is a bit nervous about going to Hong Kong so I have assured her I will be better than any tour guide so I have to start finding out where to go and what to see. While we're over there we are going to stop by and say hello to an old high school friend of mine. I haven't seen him in seven years! Wow time flies!

Speaking of time flying - it's my 25th birthday today. I had a nice video chat with my parents and brother, it was really good to see their faces. My family sent me birthday presents too!! I got some lovely clothes which I'm very excited to wear! So for the birthday festivities... tonight I'm keeping it a bit low key with a small birthday dinner with a few students and my coworker (it's her last day today). I took tomorrow off so I plan to relax all day and then head into Tokyo to celebrate with some friends. We're planning to have a photo scavenger hunt which should be very entertaining.
As a side note... people keep saying "congratulations" to me because it's my birthday. It makes me think.... are you congratulating me that I've managed to stay alive this long? Surely it cant be that big of a feat. It makes me think of dogs who get into the garbage and eat some chocolate and accidentally die. "Congratulations, you haven't accidentally killed yourself (yet)".