Monday, June 13, 2011

Fresh Radicals - Some Guy's Hat

Wow it's been a while since I last updated. I'm a total shmuck when it comes to keeping regular contact with people.
So a lot has been happening!
1) I had my first encounter with a chikan (pervert) on the train. That was interesting! He kept staring at my chest and asking if he could pay me to touch my boobs. Poor guy was not expecting me to be able to swear at him in Japanese hahah. He quickly got off the train and went to another car. For people saying how common chikans are on trains I'm kind of surprised it took over a year for one to bother me.
2) I rode my bike for the first (and probably last) time. What can I say? The bike is too small for me, I feel ridiculous on it. I think I'd feel more comfortable on a bigger bike for safety reasons too, not like a bigger bike could do much against a car anyways.
3) I booked my trip to Vietnam for August!! I'm going for six days with my coworker. We chose to go on a tour that would allow us to see most of the country, starting in Hanoi and ending in Ho Chi Minh. The tour, interestingly enough, is all in Japanese. With the tour we get to see four world heritage sites which should be cool (I'm not exactly sure which ones as the brochure was all in Japanese haha all I know is that I'm going to Ha Long Bay and getting to do a river cruise on the Mekong so I'm happy.
4) My gig is in less than two weeks and I could not be more terrified! I think I might have the lyrics down for two of the three songs I'm singing. The Japanese song is proving to be very difficult.
5) Rainy season started almost a full month early which apparently means we're in for a ridiculously hot summer. It's a good thing the air conditioning at work has been broken for about two months and the classrooms are now getting up to 30+ degrees.