Saturday, January 22, 2011

Shady son of a bitch whatever - t-shirt on a guy

How agro!

Well... I havent been up to much, hence the lack of updating.
I've been missing my Mum terribly... and missing my Dad even more.
It's one of those things though... how do you get the best of both worlds? Until I have a Doko demo doa (go anywhere door) like Doraemon I'll just have to make do with what I have. Beautiful pictures! Enjoy! They are both of Kamakura where there is a large Buddha statue. It once was in a shrine but due to a large tsunami it is now outside. I went there with my Mum a few weeks ago.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Both the cooking and the life had better be pleasant - words on a sauce cup

The deepest apologies with a very deep bow. I know it's been ages since I last blogged. I have been very busy with my week off from work and my two weeks back to work.

What on Earth have I been up to?!
My lovely Mother came to Japan. I was very busy showing her the time of her life. We covered a huge amount of ground in the short time she was here (only nine days). I tried to show her as much of Tokyo as possible and some of the outside areas and then show her my favourite parts of Tokyo again. I also gave her a rudimentary education in the Tokyo train and subway system... I'm not too sure how much of that she grasped (no offense Mum!!)
In the short time she was here I:
- Took her shopping (duh!)
- Took her shopping
- Tried (and somewhat failed) to get her to try authentic Japanese cuisine... she ate (very reluctantly) sashimi and takoyaki, she loved ramen and shabu-shabu
- Took her to Mount Fuji
- Took her to an onsen
- Took her to some traditional Japanese places... shrines, Buddhas etc.
- Introduced her to some pop culture... karaoke, purikura, bonnenkai etc. She had a blast
- Introduced her to my family away from my real family
- Introduced her to Take (ahhh) :)
In the nine days we went to: Mt. Fuji, Kamakura, Shinjuku, Nishi-Shinjuku, Aoyama, Harajuku, Omotesando, Shibuya, Haijima, Asakusa, Ueno, Akihabara, Ikebukuro, Yoyogi and Hino. Phew.. we walked a lot.
So now my Mum is gone and I'm very sadly back to reality. Work is the same. Enough about work... there are some exciting things in store for 2011 (as I hope there are for you!). What you ask?
- I am starting to learn how to DJ so I can DJ for my friend's CD release party... who knew I was so cool?
---> Anyone have any song recommendations? :)
- I get to tattoo Take! Which means I have to learn how to draw... he said not to worry and to just free hand it but I dont think he knows how bad of an "artist" I am. In return... he gets to tattoo me... he threatens Hello Kitty... I dont think he'll do it though.
- I have plans to learn how to fish. Although the general consensus is fishing is moderately to extremely boring.
Well that's all I have in terms of an update! Promise to update sooner rather than later... possibly with pictures.