Sunday, September 26, 2010

Smack my Bitch Up - Guy's t-shirt... walking with his WIFE

For such an epic title to this entry... you'd think I'd have more to say.

Another week has gone by and life in Japan is still great.

Today (Sunday) I had to go in and work. It was a good day, quieter than normal, I taught two classes and spent the rest of the day tying up loose ends which was really nice.
Recently, I have made the acquaintance of another gaijin living in my town. He's really nice and into the same things as me! He's from Rhode Island and is an assistant language teacher at one of the public schools, he moonlights as a DJ though and is hoping to make it big in Japan. How cool. I know a pseudo celebrity! Get this: he can speak fluent flawless Japanese AND he can read a lot of Kanji!! I envy him! Gotta keep practicing eh?
So, since I have tomorrow off, my friend Jay is coming over and I'm cooking a traditional Canadian dinner of chicken alfredo... it's going to be grand if he ever shows up. I suspect he is lost in darkest Tokyo! Uh oh... I fear I'm gonna have to go on a search and rescue mission.
The upcoming week is a bit busy as I have to go to headquarters and learn some new things to help me with my new added responsibilities. I'm feeling the pressure because I need to do well with my new responsibilities in order to prove to them I'm worthy of staying for another year.
No pressure, no pressure... No, pressure! hahahaha punctuation.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cant Stop Grind - Cant remember where I saw it

I was at a street festival a few weeks back which was a hot bed for Engrish t-shirts, I wrote down some of the phrases I saw in my note pad on my iPhone which is where I keep getting these hilarious titles. Hope you're enjoying them.

This week is supposed to be quieter for me as all kids classes are cancelled but instead of that I have seven classes today (the maximum). Tomorrow is a national holiday though (Respect for the Aged Day I think?) so I dont have to teach tomorrow. I'm looking forward to the break in my week as I also have to come in on Sunday.

Last weekend was another busy one.
On Saturday one of my students took all the teachers and staff at our school out for Teppanyaki. Wow was it ever good! We had a FIVE course dinner! The chef was really funny and treated me like a celebrity or something because I had never had teppanyaki before. He moved things around and kept asking me questions, I think that made the other foreign teacher a bit mad.
On Sunday I walked around this park near where I live for a couple hours and got some massive blisters on my feet because of it lol. After that I went to a karaoke party hosted by a student and my old coworker. It was fun but really long! Around 3 in the morning we called it quits.
On Monday I went to the Great Japan Beer Festival in Yokohama. It was amazing! There were over 250 beers to try there, and you can sleep well knowing I tried my hardest to drink them all. Might have got about 50... in hind sight I probably should have kept a tally. I went with my old coworker and we ran into a student there which was very amusing for us. We ended up meeting a bunch of cool people who brew beers, got their business cards and one brewery invited us to drink on the docks with them after the festival, which we did for a while. Since we were in Yokohama (has one of the world's largest Chinatowns) we went for all you can eat Chinese food.

The pictures I put up are of Yokohama (the building where the Beer Festival was held- no idea what the name is), for some reason a robot was handing out all the awards to the winning breweries and finally... my glass of beer on the ceremonial block of ice that melts. I had more to put up but they have been lost somewhere in cyberspace for the time being. Will post once they arrive.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Titty & Co. (On someone's purse)

Long time no blog.

I've been relatively distracted lately and have yet again been neglecting my blog.

I have been given more responsibility at work. Yay (read exasperated sigh). I will soon get to be one of the many people who die from karōshi. (overwork) haha. I am in charge of more business related things, making sure people sign up to do studies at home and explain to head office why people aren't. I didn't want this responsibility. Enough about work.

On the fun side of living in Japan... It's been summer this past little while that I have not been blogging (duh!) and I have been taking full advantage of the weekly festivals that have been taking place all over Tokyo.

I went to a takoyaki party that was held in the middle of a punk rock bar in Kabukicho, in Shinjuku. Some guy closed down the entire bar for a private takoyaki party (fried octopus balls) with only 15 guests! It was quite the sight and really fun.
I went to the Tokyo 2010 Brazil Fest in Harajuku. It was amazing! Great dancers, people were everywhere... the music was great. It was a very hot day though so I did not stay long. I have pictures on my phone but not on my computer. I will post some pictures soon.
I went to Odaiba and saw the future! A friend and I went to the Toyota building where they showcase all their cars and what not. We were able to simulate the race track they test their cars on in a big theatre, learn all about hybrids, see future cars and... ROBOTS!!! We also went to a place called.... Venus Fort (I think), the entire inside was built to look like some courtyard in Italy. I took a lot of pictures... they just aren't up yet (sorry again). My favourite part about Odaiba was sitting on the beach and watching the sunset. Fantastic!
I went to a BBQ (again) on the Akigawa River (again) and it was pretty fun. I was the only foreigner there and most people couldn't speak any English so I was using a lot of Japanese the entire day.

So there's a little update about what's been going on. I will try to remember to update more often and hopefully post some pictures of my adventures!