Monday, April 26, 2010

Two weeks till go time!

So there are only two more weeks until I ship out. A fair bit has happened since my last update.
I've actually given out the URL to my blog so maybe people will actually read this! I have also got my work visa for Japan stuck into my passport (it isn't a stamp like I thought it would be)
I have bought all the work appropriate clothes I think I will need and some not appropriate clothes as I dare say it might be hard to find clothes my size over in Tokyo.
I bought a very sleek DSLR camera with the hopes that I will be putting up some nice pictures of all that I see for everyone back home.

I think that's about all that's been accomplished as of yet... I dont think there is a whole lot left to do... :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Let the count down begin!

I have been very bad in maintaining this blog. I hope it is not a sign of what is to come once I'm over in Japan.
Much has happened since the last update.

I ship out in less than a month - 26 days to be exact and I have less than three days left of work - 2 days and 6 hours. Can you tell I'm excited? :)

I have been sent my Certificate of Eligibility which is required before I can get a work visa for Japan. I plan on getting the visa business all prepared in a couple days once I have finished work.

I have a huge to do list that also needs my attention so I can be well prepared for the move. On the bright side I have all the suits needed and just need to get work appropriate shirts and some shoes and I should also start figuring out how to stuff my life into two bags! Getting excited! :)