Sunday, January 31, 2010

Contracts signed, flight booked

So the contracts are signed and received by my employer, I've booked my one way flight to Tokyo Narita and bought one suit (many more to be bought soon).

I'm beginning to think I should start trying to find friends in Tokyo. I only know one person in Japan and she does not live in Tokyo. I'm not too concerned about making friends but it would be nice to know there are some friendly faces in that massive city...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Job Offer

A lot has happened since I last wrote in this.

1) I did not get the spot directly in Tokyo (in one of the wards)
2) After a couple weeks of waiting I have been offered and accepted a position in a Tokyo suburb.
3) Employment contracts are being shipped to my house as I type.

Maybe not that much has happened. Oh well.

I have about four months to get all my effects in order, figure out how to only pay taxes in one country, book flights, save money and get rid of all my belongings. Needless to say shit is about to get a little crazy over here.