Monday, December 28, 2009

I'm going to go write about this in my blog....

...finally means something to me!

So, I started this blog out with the goal of somewhat documenting my trials and tribulations with getting a job in Japan and moving there and how things all go down once I get there. As of right now I have a job with a company teaching conversational English. I'm not going to disclose which company as they ask that you do not name them on things such as blogs and discussion forums. I am waiting to hear back from said company as to when and where exactly this will all take place, for the moment all I know is I will be going somewhere in Japan and approximately within three to five months. I heard from the company a few weeks ago regarding potential placement in Tokyo, as of right now I am still waiting to hear back. Since Tokyo was my first choice I am really hoping to get the placement and then start counting down the months and days for my departure...